• Traffic deaths are skyrocketing, Prop. 1 will reduce them. The number of people killed or seriously injured in crashes on Tacoma roadways is at the highest level in over a decade. Prop. 1 focuses on the highest risk streets and slows down traffic in residential blocks.

  • Prop 1. creates over 600 family wage jobs and tens of thousands of hours of apprenticeship training. Well maintained streets will grow our economy, reduce traffic fatalities, and reduce the wear and tear on vehicles, saving Tacomans money.

  • A decade ago, thousands of city blocks had fallen into disrepair. The first Streets Initiative focused on fixing residential streets, improving nearly 70% of residential streets, fixing over 6,000 blocks. In 2023 alone, Tacoma fixed 2,889 potholes and temporarily patched 12,099. 

  • Prop 1 will cost just $.25 per $1,000 of assessed property value and a 2% utility tax. By creating a dedicated source of revenue with Prop 1, taxpayer money goes further– securing $2.25 of federal and private funding for every $1 from Tacoma residents

    Every dollar goes directly toward fixing major roads, improving safety, and creating jobs—ensuring Tacoma remains a great place to live, work, and do business. Delaying will only make these much-needed repairs take longer and cost more.

  • The first Streets Initiative invested over $397 million to upgrade Tacoma streets, over $135 million in earned grants and partnerships. The longer we wait, the more these critical projects will cost. Creating a dedicated source of revenue to invest strategically means taxpayer money goes further– securing $2.25 of federal and private funding for every $1 from Tacoma residents.

  • Prop 1 reinvests millions in workforce development, union jobs, and training focusing on sustainable career pathways in Pierce County. It will create over 100,000 hours for family wage workers and tens of thousands of hours for apprenticeships. It will also repair 223 miles of Tacoma’s streets, which will support economic development by reducing wear and tear on residents’ vehicles and keeping freight, cars, and transit moving efficiently. 

  • Prop 1 will reduce congestion across Tacoma, leading to saved time and fewer emissions.

  • The City will be able to improve 1,100-1,400 arterial lane miles, 250-300 sidewalk miles, 130-170 miles of bike infrastructure, and maintain 5,200-6,200 residential blocks over a 15-year performance period, prioritizing accessibility, pedestrian safety, and multimodal connectivity.

  • Yes! Whether you walk, bike, use a wheelchair, take transit, or drive. Prop 1 will improve the safety of streets and intersections with the highest rates of traffic-related serious injuries or fatalities, aiming to reduce crashes by redesigning streets to reduce speeding and provide safer crossings. It will expand safe networks for all, especially on Neighborhood Greenways and help Tacoma reach its Vision Zero goal—eliminating serious crashes by making streets safer for everyone.